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Learn more about the foundation programs that are making an impact on Guam One Man, One Woman, and One Child at a time!

mobile clinic todu guam foundation
Mobile Care Clinic Medical Outreach


See our volunteers
in action and learn
how you can join the mission

todu guam volunteers typhoon mawar
TGF Staff and Volunteers


CAUTION, the statements I am about to make are general assumptions that are not at all open-minded or entirely true. Think of the beginning text below as a comedic skit or dialogue that exaggerates to get a point across “for viewers like you, thank you!”  __________________________________________________________________________________ There are two types of people,  TYPE 1: Those … Read more

Mental Health Tips for Teens

SET A GOAL FOR YOURSELF Setting goals is a great way to improve your mental health. Your goal doesn’t have to be extravagant; it should be realistic and achievable for you. In addition to that, the goal doesn’t have to be achieved quickly. You can set a daily goal or something to be achieved in … Read more

CARES Health Internship Program

At the crossroads of physical and mental health, the Todu Guam Foundation presents a holistic approach to serving Guam’s children in its CARES Health Internship Program. In this blend of medicine and administration, selected high school interns are exposed to the workings of different fields, ranging from medical and social work to business and marketing, … Read more

Autism Webinar

Revolutionizing autism care with the Todu Guam Foundation